Application guidelines for TIA Seed funding
Please read the application instructions on this page before filling out the application.
The recording of the TIA Professor and TIA Seed 2024 Funding Calls Info Webinar (2.9.2024) is available for viewing here.
The link to the application system is at the bottom of this page (the application form will open on September 2, 2024).
The Tandem Industry Academia Seed funding is intended for researchers who have recently entered the Finnish research funding system, are in the early stages of their careers, and are on the professor career path.
The purpose of the funding is to initiate and accelerate research work and industry collaboration, thereby creating significant advancements in developing Finnish expertise and strengthening global competitiveness.
The goal of the funding is to establish a new area of expertise in Finland. In the evaluation of applications, emphasis is placed on defining the new area of expertise and its relevance to the development of Finland’s economy and critical areas of national security, both now and in the future. This includes already identified key areas with skill gaps as well as future critical areas. In defining the skill gap, societal impact is of central importance.
Who can apply?
The funding is intended for researchers who have been employed at a Finnish university or research institute for no more than three years at the time of application and who have resided continuously outside Finland for at least five years before coming to Finland.
An exception to the condition that the funding is intended for researchers who have been employed at a Finnish university or research institute for no more than three years may be made for a specific reason such as maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave, obligatory military service, civil service, or long-term disease.
The funding is granted to the Academic Partner, which acts as the employer of the Professor and the researcher(s) working on the project.
Industry collaboration
The project must involve collaboration with at least two Finnish companies. The contact persons from these companies, as named in the application, are committed to contributing to the project and assisting in the development and utilization of the relevant expertise within their organizations.
The applicant must name the committed industry partners in the application form, along with their contact persons. The applicant should generally have no significant connections with the industry partners (e.g., board membership or ownership of more than 5% of the company).
An industry partner can be a company based in Finland with operations and at least one full-time employee. The company can operate in international markets, but it must have a registered office in Finland as a limited liability company (“osakeyhtiö”) and conduct activities relevant to the project. The designated contact person must work at the Finnish company.
In the collaboration plan, which should be attached to the application (see in this guide The application form, section 3), the applicant must describe the role of each company in the project and how the collaboration during the project will benefit the company and the broader Finnish business sector. Collaboration can, for example, take the form of joint research, thesis work, joint courses, or workshops.
Funding Period and Financing
The duration of the funded project is up to 3 years from the start of funding. The project must begin between January 1, 2025, and March 1, 2025. Any request for an extension of the already granted funding can be discussed separately with the Finnish Research Impact Foundation for a justified reason.
The project may consist of joint precompetitive research and other supporting activities. TIA Seed funding supports projects with a budget of approximately 200,000 euros. The Seed funding can be used to cover salary costs, overheads, travel and material expenses, as well as publication and collaboration-related costs. A maximum of 20% of the total project budget can be allocated to the applicant’s (professor’s) own salary costs. Additionally, salary costs can be requested for a researcher or researchers working in support of the project leader. Additionally, salary costs can be requested for researchers who work in support of the project leader. The researchers can be doctoral students or postdoctoral researchers.
Equipment purchases or investments are not eligible as material costs; however, expenses related to data acquisition may be considered. Regular commuting expenses between home and workplace are not eligible as travel costs. Other expenses can include costs related to publishing, among others. In the application, the applicant should fill out the project’s budget. Other costs must be justified in a free-text field as part of the budget.
Eligibility and organisation’s consent
It is the applicant’s responsibility to verify with their academic organisation whether the funding is suitable for the organisation and to check the project budget, salary levels, and expenses with their organisation’s financial administration. The applicant must submit the organisation’s consent (letter of commitment) with the application for the funding request. A link to the funding terms can be found on the application form.
Submission and application process
The application process is two-stage. In the first stage, applications must be submitted electronically through the foundation’s application system by October 13, 2024, at 11:59 PM. The saved application can be edited in the system until the end of the application period and for 24 hours after it has been submitted. The application must be completed by the applicant, i.e., the professor.
In the second stage, a selection of applicants will be chosen. This stage involves interviews with the funding-seeking professor. Instructions for preparing for the interview will be sent separately to those invited to the second stage by the end of October. The interviews will be held in November on the 14th and 21st. Efforts will be made to accommodate the applicant’s schedule, and interviews will generally be conducted in person in Helsinki.
The evaluation of applications will be handled by the foundation and, if necessary, external reviewers engaged by the foundation. Decisions will be made shortly after the final interview date and will be communicated to the second-stage applicants at the beginning of December.
The application form
- Basic information of the applicant
In this section, you are asked for basic details about yourself and the academic host organization.
Attachments needed (in PDF format):
- Letter of commitment from academic organization
- CV and list of publications, including up to 10 key publications and a proven track record of the applicant’s research relevant to the project’s theme.
- Information about the project
In this section, you are required to provide information about the project, including a public description of the project in both English and Finnish, a preliminary schedule and division of labor, and the project budget.
Attachments needed (in PDF format):
- Project plan (max 5 pages), including answers to the following question:
- What are the objectives of the project?
- How will the objectives be achieved?
- What unique innovations and opportunities does this project introduce from the perspective of Finnish expertise, and how do these contribute to enhancing Finland’s global competitiveness?
The project budget should cover the duration of the project. You need to enter salary costs and overheads for yourself (i.e., PI). Please note that your salary (with related indirect employee costs and overheads) cannot exceed 20% of the total budget. Additionally, you may budget salary costs for researchers (such as postdoctoral researchers and/or doctoral students).
The budget may also include travel and material expenses, as well as costs associated with publishing and collaboration. Please note that funding does not cover investments (such as equipment) but may include costs such as data and data acquisition. Travel costs cannot be used for regular commute expenses.
- Collaboration and industrial partnerships
In this section, you are asked to provide information on at least two industrial partners and name a steering group comprising one representative from each company and a representative from the academic organization (other than the PI).
Attachments needed (in PDF format):
- Collaboration plan (max 2 pages), including answers to the following question:
- Describe the role of each company in achieving the project’s objectives and how the companies benefit from the collaboration
- Describe the forms of collaboration with each company (e.g. thesis work, joint courses, joint research)
- Outline how the results of the project will be transferred for the benefit of the business sector
- Describe how each company participates in developing and utilizing the expertise gained in the project
- Agreements
In this section, you need to review and accept the general terms of the funding, as well as check the other requested consents.